Recently Google enhanced its Adwords bid adjustment reports with Google Analytics. this helps online marketers to know more effective performances of the bids and decides to increase of decrease the bid in accordance with keywords, location, devices and time of display. Early to this Google introduced mobile bid adjustments. We Can access the new report by going to Traffic Sources > Advertising >AdWords and clicking the Bid Adjustments link.
With the new Bid Adjustments report, you can take advantage of the full range of visitor metrics available in Google Analytics to optimize your bid adjustments.Imagine a hotel chain has set Time bid adjustments of +20% on Saturday and Sunday after observing a better ROI on those days. Using this new report in GA, the hotel chain now observes that their ROI on Sundays is actually higher than on other days of the week. The hotel chain's analyst finds that customers book more expensive rooms and longer stays on Sundays. Using this information, the hotel chain increases its existing Time bid adjustment for Sundays.
This new bid adjustment report is available in all Analytics accounts that are linked to AdWords.
Google Adwords Bid Adjustments now available in Google Analytics